The Drikt Sector campaign nears its end this campaign may be my last. I leave behind a garrison and military governor to shape their future as another cog in the Greiss war machine. I'll talk her into making me pancakes and bacon in the morning. I'll get out of here and crawl back into bed with my wife. Maybe no time has passed at all back home. When I manage to sleep, I can't tell whether it's for minutes, hours, or days. Feels like years, but I don't feel any older. Some places seem to have day and night but most don't. I used to try to keep track of time here, but it's no use. I haven't gotten a chance to tell him how proud I am of him. When she busted her arm on the jungle gym, she tried to comfort her mom on the way to the ER. One of the worst things about losing my mind in here: I can't remember my kids' names. I hope she can forgive me for being gone so long. We've always made it through the rough times. Everybody should have someone who looks at them the way she looks at me. How mad she was when I enlisted, how low she got after K was born. Don't want to turn her into some story I tell myself. Need to stay sane, or whatever passes for sane here. I was pretty good back in the day Not good enough to go pro, but enough to be the hometown hero a couple of times. Sometimes I call out plays in my head during fights. And nothing beats catching your own pass and killing some bad guy in the process. Not that different from a football, except I get to play QB and running back at the same time. I thought for sure I'd get to go home after that. Never would've found the Orb I used to kill her. Did someone or something want me to find them? Without them I never would've gotten to that squirming heap. But those Slipgates led me to all four runes. A pile of letters for a pile of tentacles. That's how I learned what Quake was: Shub-Ngurath. Every time I found one, my head flooded with stuff I wasn't supposed to know. What else would explain any of it? Somebody wake me up. Maybe the whole thing really is just a bad nightmare. Feels like the night terrors I got after Vietnam. I just shot at anything that moved, and I've been shooting ever since.

There were other Slipgates, and I went through them. I was fighting for my life as soon as I got there, and then things just kept getting darker and weirder. Had they already gone through and built a base on the other side? What about those psycho Marines, the poor bastards? Who did that to them? Was it Quake, or was it Gilman?ĭoesn't make any sense. But what else was he doing down there? Why was the facility laid out like a death trap? When I used the first Slipgate, I got zapped to somewhere else, but it looked the same. They had hired some creepy egghead to build it in the underground levels - Gilman, I think his name was. They didn't tell me much about the Slipgate. No time to think about what the hell I was seeing. It was like the worst dream I'd ever had.
Marines bleeding from their eyes, some kind of half-done mods in their skin, all of them trying to kill me. I hauled my ass to the Slipgate Complex, but the ♥♥♥♥ had already hit the fan. Seems like a hundred years since I got that call at 0400. If I forgot them, I'll never find a way out of this hellhole. As soon as the fighting stops, it's like a fog rolls into my head. The only time I can focus is when I'm fighting. It's gotta be something about this place. Can't remember what my own ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ name is, for instance. Some of the important stuff is already gone. But I have to get some things down on paper before my brain turns to mush.